About Our Church

Arinzor Blue
Our Purpose Statement
We are grateful that you have chosen Faith Temple No.1 Original Free Will Baptist Church for church membership. We must inform you that your church membership alone, although it is very important, it does not save us or make us a Christians; but gives us a place to come that we may worship and praise God along with other believers.
Our purpose here at Faith Temple No.1 Original Free Will Baptist Church is for you to grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We desire to equip you with spiritual truth, (the word is truth) and produce members that will fall in love with Jesus and follow him.
Our Vision Statement
The Vision of Faith Temple No. 1 is very clear. We are compelled to focus our ministry on the Reconciliation of men to God and mankind; bring spiritual restoration in the body of Christ and being committed to the assignment that was mandated by the Lord Jesus Christ; which is to serve mankind both locally and globally for His Glory. We are Dedicated, Driven and Determined to fulfill our God given mandate that He has assigned unto our hands. Our aim is to make our purpose for existing clear through our Statements of Purpose – Vision and Mission.
Our Mission Statement
Our mission as a church is to fulfill the command that Christ gave the disciples that is to “go therefore and make disciples in all nations….teaching them to observe all thing that I have commanded you… (Matthew 28:19-20). To minister to the whole man, to their mind, body and spirit that mankind may live a fulfilled, peaceful and purposeful life in Christ. To establish the Kingdom of God on earth that it is visible and tangible so that men might see our good works and glorify the Father which is in heaven. As we connect people to Jesus Christ the church will be able to expand and evolve into a House of Prayer for all People and a Place of Refuge for the lost.